
For a few months of the lockdown WaittMedia's Chris lived with his parents. During that time Sea Shanties trended on TikTok after The Wellerman song went viral. 

As Chris's Dad Martyn had always been a sea shanty lover, they decided to start a TikTok channel devoted to shanties and Martyn has so far posted over 50 shanties, gaining over 8 millions views, 150k followers and a million likes. Chris's Dad was a sensation, leading to numerous television appearances, radio interviews and news articles including becoming the "Most Read" story on the BBC National News website.

Read more here: BBC NEWS: Covid Sea Shanty Goes Viral for Grandad

Starring: Martyn Waitt

Music & Lyrics: Chris & Martyn Waitt

Directed by: Chris Waitt

Creative Development: WaittMedia